Hi, how to fork a repo just like Git ? I want to s...
# help
Hi, how to fork a repo just like Git ? I want to share data with others.
Hey @Ants Young ! You can import other objects (even not yours, but they need to be accessible) to be managed by lakeFS (zero copy)
Do you mean
lakectl import --from --to
? Is there a simple way to fork a whole repo ?
Unfortunately, I think the same command doesn't exist in lakeFS though it can ba partially achieved with the import command
@Ants Young mind explaining a bit more on your use case?
please note that lakeFS is used to collaborate on repository data and offer the branching primitives. This is also similar to code collaboration - when you want to collaborate on code you branch out of main. you create a repo fork in case that you want to change the software logic or in case you are making a contribution to a project, and I don’t think we heard of the parallel use case in data (yet). understand the use-case will help us improve lakeFS and possibility adding the feature to support the use-case.
Thank you @Or Tzabary, I'm developing a ML training platform which offers MLEs a cloud enviroment to training ML models. Our platform is supposed to support MLEs to share datasets and models with others. In this case, forking a data repo could save a lot of storage, rather than download the whole dataset and add some new data then create a new repo in lakeFS. So, data sharing and storage saving are two main motivations to ask for a fork feature. Thank you.
I trust that checking out to a branch will give you the same result as it's zero copy operation done on the repository level
Yes, you're right. But how can I set independent read/write permission on this data repo?
lakeFS has a built in authorization mechanism just that :) https://docs.lakefs.io/reference/authorization.html
That's really great, thank you. @Or Tzabary
I’m happy to hear 🙂 does this support your use-case? if you still have questions or concerns, I’ll be happy to set a quick call to discuss the use-case
Thank you, I'm a beginner to lakeFS, so far it works well for me. I'll ask for help if I get trouble. Thanks.
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