Hi guys another funny here. We are looking to use ...
# help
Hi guys another funny here. We are looking to use an Azure Webapp (containers) to host lakeFS and Azure Postgress flexible db and i have this working now which is great however i am having a problem with the container itself. I can only run successfully if i use docker compose with the following settings:
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version: "3.5"
name: lakefs
    image: treeverse/lakefs:latest
      - "8000:8000"
When i try to use the container on its own it fails with the following errors
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2023-08-23T08:20:56.611Z ERROR - Container jigsaw-lakefs_0_61e8c142 for site jigsaw-lakefs has exited, failing site start
2023-08-23T08:20:56.620Z ERROR - Container jigsaw-lakefs_0_61e8c142 didn't respond to HTTP pings on port: 8000, failing site start. See container logs for debugging.
2023-08-23T08:20:56.641Z INFO  - Stopping site jigsaw-lakefs because it failed during startup.
We have the WEBSITES_PORT set to 8000 and have tried specifying the ports in the start up command but just will not work. Unfortunately we can not use docker compose option as we are not able to bind the website address to a vnet to secure the Postgress DB. Any help would be appreciated.
grasping at straws here, but is there anything in
See container logs for debugging.
no only what we have sent in the chat.
had something similar before with clamAV but this was fixed by the websites port env variable.
Is there a community that maybe has done this already? We can post questions?
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2023-08-23T08:26:05.757Z INFO  - Starting container for site
2023-08-23T08:26:05.758Z INFO  - docker run -d -p 3594:8000 --name jigsaw-lakefs_0_72f8ee9c -e WEBSITES_ENABLE_APP_SERVICE_STORAGE=true -e WEBSITES_PORT=8000 -e WEBSITE_SITE_NAME=jigsaw-lakefs -e WEBSITE_AUTH_ENABLED=False -e WEBSITE_ROLE_INSTANCE_ID=0 -e WEBSITE_HOSTNAME=<http://jigsaw-lakefs.azurewebsites.net|jigsaw-lakefs.azurewebsites.net> -e WEBSITE_INSTANCE_ID=e3326eafb618155f67c6103a831fe913f7e5d3894064414eed6936999e0693cd -e HTTP_LOGGING_ENABLED=1 -e WEBSITE_USE_DIAGNOSTIC_SERVER=False treeverse/lakefs:latest -p 8000:8000 --expose 8000
2023-08-23T08:26:06.582Z INFO  - Initiating warmup request to container jigsaw-lakefs_0_72f8ee9c_msiProxy for site jigsaw-lakefs
2023-08-23T08:26:06.609Z INFO  - Container jigsaw-lakefs_0_72f8ee9c_msiProxy for site jigsaw-lakefs initialized successfully and is ready to serve requests.
2023-08-23T08:26:06.610Z INFO  - Initiating warmup request to container jigsaw-lakefs_0_72f8ee9c for site jigsaw-lakefs
2023-08-23T08:26:06.764Z ERROR - Container jigsaw-lakefs_0_72f8ee9c for site jigsaw-lakefs has exited, failing site start
2023-08-23T08:26:06.775Z ERROR - Container jigsaw-lakefs_0_72f8ee9c didn't respond to HTTP pings on port: 8000, failing site start. See container logs for debugging.
2023-08-23T08:26:06.797Z INFO  - Stopping site jigsaw-lakefs because it failed during startup.
Tried specifying ports etc same result
Hi @Rich McLaughlin how did you configure the container?
Tried various started file or commands but nothing seems to work
but if we use docker compose all is good
Did you provide any additional environment variables?
@Nir Ozery as above varibles.
Looks more an azure thing but frustrating
Have you tried running it without providing a command?
yes same error.
I'll try to create it in our env and get back to you
👍 1
@Nir Ozery Dont worry we have just removed all commands and now working (this wasnt before but maybe a different issue was causing this). Thank you for your help