Hi, I am trying to deploy LakeFS via an azure web...
# help
Hi, I am trying to deploy LakeFS via an azure webapp (containers) using docker and we are able to run successfully with LAKEFS_DATABASE_TYPE=Local but when we try LAKEFS_DATABASE_TYPE=postgress and pass the connection string via LAKEFS_DATABASE_CONNECTION_STRING= host=Server.postgres.database.azure.com port=5432 dbname=postgres user=%USERNAME%@%Server password=################ sslmode=require It fails to start with the following errors in docker:
Copy code
2023-08-22T13:54:49.349664594Z time="2023-08-22T13:54:49Z" level=info msg="lakeFS run" func=cmd/lakefs/cmd.glob..func8 file="cmd/run.go:94" version=0.107.0
2023-08-22T13:54:49.349684195Z time="2023-08-22T13:54:49Z" level=fatal msg="Failed to open KV store" func=cmd/lakefs/cmd.glob..func8 file="cmd/run.go:102" error="connect failed: failed to connect to `host=/tmp user=lakefs database=`: dial error (dial unix /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432: connect: no such file or directory)"
Connection string works in psql are we missing variables?
e.g. try specifying the connection string in the format used there
@Rich McLaughlin When using LAKEFS_DATABASE_TYPE=postgres please use: LAKEFS_DATABASE_POSTGRES_CONNECTION_STRING="" The env var you are using is deprecated
Thats brilliant looks like it is working now with the original connection string (non URI) thank you
jumping lakefs 2
🦜 1