Hi Team I am trying set up lakefs with Minio follo...
# help
Hi Team I am trying set up lakefs with Minio following this doc I have created the below YAMl config under my lakefs folder. I am runing it as binary
./lakefs --config /Users/simar/lakeFS/cmd/lakefs/config.yaml run
but getting the below error
simar@192 lakeFS % ./lakefs --config /Users/simar/lakeFS/cmd/lakefs/config.yaml run
INFO[0000]/Users/simar/lakeFS/cmd/lakefs/cmd/root.go:80 <http://github.com/treeverse/lakefs/cmd/lakefs/cmd.initConfig()|github.com/treeverse/lakefs/cmd/lakefs/cmd.initConfig()> Configuration file              fields.file=/Users/simar/lakeFS/cmd/lakefs/config.yaml file=/Users/simar/lakeFS/cmd/lakefs/config.yaml phase=startup
{"error":"InvalidParameterValue: Unsupported action GetCallerIdentity\n\tstatus code: 400, request id: 175F5FE4DE5BD201","file":"pkg/cloud/aws/metadata.go:64","func":"pkg/cloud/aws.(*MetadataProvider).GetMetadata","level":"warning","msg":"Failed to to get AWS account ID for BI","time":"2023-05-15T22:33:42+05:30"}
{"file":"pkg/logging/logger.go:266","func":"pkg/logging.(*logrusEntryWrapper).Fatalf","level":"fatal","msg":"Mismatched adapter detected. lakeFS started with adapter of type 's3', but repository 'test' is of type 'local'","time":"2023-05-15T22:33:42+05:30"}
Copy code
-- Config.yaml
 format: json
 level: WARN
 output: "-"

 type: "local"

  secret_key: "10a718b3f285d89c36e9864494cdd1507f3bc85b342df24736ea81f9a1134bcc"

 type: s3
  force_path_style: true
  endpoint: <http://localhost:9000>
  discover_bucket_region: false
   access_key_id: minioadmin
   secret_access_key: minioadmin
Hi @Vaibhav Kumar Let me take a look
Is it possible that you previously ran lakeFS with a
blockstore type and also the
database type?
I tried many things like using export variables as well. So I think yes.
It means that you have a repo that is configured in local, yet for Minio you need it to be configured in S3 (Minio under the hood). Is it a problem to remove previously configured repos for you?
No that would not be a problem for me How to clean the old stuff
The simplest way would be to ‘rm -rf ~/lakefs/metadata’, but notice, that will result with a clean lakeFS installation, i.e. you’ll need to go through the setup again.
I pulled code from github and directly running the
lakefs run
and sometime I was using the
docker compose
mentioned in deployment section. I feel it should be ok.
What do you mean by “feeling it should be ok”?
I cleared the path mentioned by you, reran everything again. The error is something different now.
make sure minio is running and that the
are correct
minio is also running on localhost:9000. PFB screenshot. I am using the same config.yaml as mentioned above. Can you please check if that is correct.
Is lakeFS running on its own container?
nope, I ran it in binary mode using lakefs run as mentioned in the thread. Pasting logs for your reference ,
Copy code
simar@192 lakeFS % ./lakefs --config /Users/simar/lakeFS/cmd/lakefs/config.yaml run
INFO[0000]/Users/simar/lakeFS/cmd/lakefs/cmd/root.go:80 <http://github.com/treeverse/lakefs/cmd/lakefs/cmd.initConfig()|github.com/treeverse/lakefs/cmd/lakefs/cmd.initConfig()> Configuration file              fields.file=/Users/simar/lakeFS/cmd/lakefs/config.yaml file=/Users/simar/lakeFS/cmd/lakefs/config.yaml phase=startup
{"error":"InvalidParameterValue: Unsupported action GetCallerIdentity\n\tstatus code: 400, request id: 175FB0D31AF28E9F","file":"pkg/cloud/aws/metadata.go:58","func":"pkg/cloud/aws.(*MetadataProvider).GetMetadata.func1","level":"warning","msg":"Tried to to get AWS account ID for BI","time":"2023-05-16T23:16:46+05:30"}
{"error":"InvalidParameterValue: Unsupported action GetCallerIdentity\n\tstatus code: 400, request id: 175FB0D32E9E17CA","file":"pkg/cloud/aws/metadata.go:58","func":"pkg/cloud/aws.(*MetadataProvider).GetMetadata.func1","level":"warning","msg":"Tried to to get AWS account ID for BI","time":"2023-05-16T23:16:46+05:30"}
{"error":"InvalidParameterValue: Unsupported action GetCallerIdentity\n\tstatus code: 400, request id: 175FB0D33E6C11F9","file":"pkg/cloud/aws/metadata.go:58","func":"pkg/cloud/aws.(*MetadataProvider).GetMetadata.func1","level":"warning","msg":"Tried to to get AWS account ID for BI","time":"2023-05-16T23:16:46+05:30"}
{"error":"InvalidParameterValue: Unsupported action GetCallerIdentity\n\tstatus code: 400, request id: 175FB0D34C75FA56","file":"pkg/cloud/aws/metadata.go:58","func":"pkg/cloud/aws.(*MetadataProvider).GetMetadata.func1","level":"warning","msg":"Tried to to get AWS account ID for BI","time":"2023-05-16T23:16:47+05:30"}
{"error":"InvalidParameterValue: Unsupported action GetCallerIdentity\n\tstatus code: 400, request id: 175FB0D35E28C309","file":"pkg/cloud/aws/metadata.go:58","func":"pkg/cloud/aws.(*MetadataProvider).GetMetadata.func1","level":"warning","msg":"Tried to to get AWS account ID for BI","time":"2023-05-16T23:16:47+05:30"}
{"error":"InvalidParameterValue: Unsupported action GetCallerIdentity\n\tstatus code: 400, request id: 175FB0D3660017D3","file":"pkg/cloud/aws/metadata.go:58","func":"pkg/cloud/aws.(*MetadataProvider).GetMetadata.func1","level":"warning","msg":"Tried to to get AWS account ID for BI","time":"2023-05-16T23:16:47+05:30"}
{"error":"InvalidParameterValue: Unsupported action GetCallerIdentity\n\tstatus code: 400, request id: 175FB0D372D6228D","file":"pkg/cloud/aws/metadata.go:58","func":"pkg/cloud/aws.(*MetadataProvider).GetMetadata.func1","level":"warning","msg":"Tried to to get AWS account ID for BI","time":"2023-05-16T23:16:47+05:30"}
{"error":"InvalidParameterValue: Unsupported action GetCallerIdentity\n\tstatus code: 400, request id: 175FB0D37B89ECAE","file":"pkg/cloud/aws/metadata.go:58","func":"pkg/cloud/aws.(*MetadataProvider).GetMetadata.func1","level":"warning","msg":"Tried to to get AWS account ID for BI","time":"2023-05-16T23:16:48+05:30"}
{"error":"InvalidParameterValue: Unsupported action GetCallerIdentity\n\tstatus code: 400, request id: 175FB0D38586DB0F","file":"pkg/cloud/aws/metadata.go:58","func":"pkg/cloud/aws.(*MetadataProvider).GetMetadata.func1","level":"warning","msg":"Tried to to get AWS account ID for BI","time":"2023-05-16T23:16:48+05:30"}
{"error":"InvalidParameterValue: Unsupported action GetCallerIdentity\n\tstatus code: 400, request id: 175FB0D394A54FD0","file":"pkg/cloud/aws/metadata.go:58","func":"pkg/cloud/aws.(*MetadataProvider).GetMetadata.func1","level":"warning","msg":"Tried to to get AWS account ID for BI","time":"2023-05-16T23:16:48+05:30"}
{"error":"InvalidParameterValue: Unsupported action GetCallerIdentity\n\tstatus code: 400, request id: 175FB0D3A0359F7E","file":"pkg/cloud/aws/metadata.go:58","func":"pkg/cloud/aws.(*MetadataProvider).GetMetadata.func1","level":"warning","msg":"Tried to to get AWS account ID for BI","time":"2023-05-16T23:16:48+05:30"}
{"error":"InvalidParameterValue: Unsupported action GetCallerIdentity\n\tstatus code: 400, request id: 175FB0D3A86268E9","file":"pkg/cloud/aws/metadata.go:58","func":"pkg/cloud/aws.(*MetadataProvider).GetMetadata.func1","level":"warning","msg":"Tried to to get AWS account ID for BI","time":"2023-05-16T23:16:48+05:30"}
{"error":"InvalidParameterValue: Unsupported action GetCallerIdentity\n\tstatus code: 400, request id: 175FB0D3B49E2602","file":"pkg/cloud/aws/metadata.go:58","func":"pkg/cloud/aws.(*MetadataProvider).GetMetadata.func1","level":"warning","msg":"Tried to to get AWS account ID for BI","time":"2023-05-16T23:16:48+05:30"}
{"error":"InvalidParameterValue: Unsupported action GetCallerIdentity\n\tstatus code: 400, request id: 175FB0D3BE323081","file":"pkg/cloud/aws/metadata.go:58","func":"pkg/cloud/aws.(*MetadataProvider).GetMetadata.func1","level":"warning","msg":"Tried to to get AWS account ID for BI","time":"2023-05-16T23:16:49+05:30"}
{"error":"InvalidParameterValue: Unsupported action GetCallerIdentity\n\tstatus code: 400, request id: 175FB0D3CB4F0429","file":"pkg/cloud/aws/metadata.go:58","func":"pkg/cloud/aws.(*MetadataProvider).GetMetadata.func1","level":"warning","msg":"Tried to to get AWS account ID for BI","time":"2023-05-16T23:16:49+05:30"}
{"error":"InvalidParameterValue: Unsupported action GetCallerIdentity\n\tstatus code: 400, request id: 175FB0D3CB4F0429","file":"pkg/cloud/aws/metadata.go:64","func":"pkg/cloud/aws.(*MetadataProvider).GetMetadata","level":"warning","msg":"Failed to to get AWS account ID for BI","time":"2023-05-16T23:16:49+05:30"}
lakeFS dev-d2524dbb.with.local.changes - Up and running (^C to shutdown)...

   ██╗   █████╗ ██╗ ██╗███████╗███████╗███████╗
   ██║   ██╔══██╗██║ ██╔╝██╔════╝██╔════╝██╔════╝
   ██║   ███████║█████╔╝ █████╗ █████╗ ███████╗
   ██║   ██╔══██║██╔═██╗ ██╔══╝ ██╔══╝ ╚════██║
   ███████╗██║ ██║██║ ██╗███████╗██║   ███████║
   ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝   ╚══════╝

│ If you're running lakeFS locally for the first time,
│   complete the setup process at <>

│ For more information on how to use lakeFS,
│   check out the docs at <https://docs.lakefs.io/quickstart/repository>

│ For support or any other question,              >(._.)<
│   join our Slack channel <https://docs.lakefs.io/slack>     ( )_

Version dev-d2524dbb.with.local.changes

{"check_url":"<https://audit.lakefs.io/audit>","error":"audit check request failed: 424 Failed Dependency (Status code: 424)","file":"pkg/version/audit.go:111","func":"pkg/version.(*AuditChecker).CheckAndLog","level":"error","msg":"Audit check failed","time":"2023-05-16T23:16:52+05:30","version":"dev-d2524dbb.with.local.changes"}
{"error":"s3 error: \u003c?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?\u003e\n\u003cError\u003e\u003cCode\u003eNoSuchBucket\u003c/Code\u003e\u003cMessage\u003eThe specified bucket does not exist\u003c/Message\u003e\u003cKey\u003edummy\u003c/Key\u003e\u003cBucketName\u003easd\u003c/BucketName\u003e\u003cResource\u003e/asd/dummy\u003c/Resource\u003e\u003cRequestId\u003e175FB0D8DBF6611F\u003c/RequestId\u003e\u003cHostId\u003ee3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855\u003c/HostId\u003e\u003c/Error\u003e","file":"pkg/block/s3/adapter.go:275","func":"pkg/block/s3.(*Adapter).streamToS3","host":"localhost:8000","level":"error","method":"POST","msg":"bad S3 PutObject response","operation":"PutObject","operation_id":"CreateRepository","path":"/api/v1/repositories","request_id":"76528b9b-fe52-49ad-94f7-829cc94b6bd9","service_name":"rest_api","status_code":404,"time":"2023-05-16T23:17:11+05:30","url":"<http://localhost:9000/asd/dummy>","user":"admin"}
{"error":"s3 error: \u003c?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?\u003e\n\u003cError\u003e\u003cCode\u003eNoSuchBucket\u003c/Code\u003e\u003cMessage\u003eThe specified bucket does not exist\u003c/Message\u003e\u003cKey\u003edummy\u003c/Key\u003e\u003cBucketName\u003easd\u003c/BucketName\u003e\u003cResource\u003e/asd/dummy\u003c/Resource\u003e\u003cRequestId\u003e175FB0D8DBF6611F\u003c/RequestId\u003e\u003cHostId\u003ee3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855\u003c/HostId\u003e\u003c/Error\u003e","file":"pkg/api/controller.go:1409","func":"pkg/api.(*Controller).CreateRepository","level":"warning","msg":"Could not access storage namespace","reason":"unknown","service":"api_gateway","storage_namespace":"<s3://asd/>","time":"2023-05-16T23:17:11+05:30"}
Then it will not run on the same localhost. One is containerized and the other isn’t. I can see that you run
docker-compose up
. Take a look at the everything bagel docker-compose file. You can copy the first three containers and run it (with you keys and secrets).
yes , bagel was working fine for me earlier as well. I have added few log/print statements in lakefs code to test an issue. the problem with using bagel is I am not able to see those logs any where in docker logs as well when I am creating a hadoop client from my local .I am working on issue 2801.
ok try entering localhost:9001 in your browser. Do you get to the Minio dashboard?
yes. The above link is working. I can see the dashboard
I can see that:
The specified bucket does not exist
. Did you create it?
in Minio
no I didn't create it
then please do
did you try running lakeFS with S3 before?
but I cleared the meta already
I understand, this is just a clarifying question. Do you have any previous experience with AWS S3?
yes, I do have
but i exhausted all my credits so thought of using Minio
cool. So before you run lakeFS you need to have a bucket that you’ll use to create a repo in lakeFS. In your case, you need to create a bucket called
in Minio before you try to create a repository that is mapped to it.
Ok so before creating a repo in lakefs we should have one bucket with the same name in minio? Any reason why we choose
as a name?
Ok so before creating a repo in lakefs we should have one bucket with the same name in minio?
Any reason why we choose
as a name?
Just because you used it. That can be any name
And but going back to the old issue , by using bagel I don't see the log.info somewhere in logs I added under this file which I am accessing from my client from local.
If I add a log statement like that where can I expect to see them as? I am sure when you would have done testing around the above file you must have faced it.
This is a client. It is used as a Spark package and isn’t related to the server- bagel, binary or cloud. You should compile the client using
mvn package
and run it with Spark
Please examine this
If this is a contribution related question, lets continue it on the #dev channel
Sure will post it there. thanks @Jonathan Rosenberg
Thank you @Vaibhav Kumar.
@Iddo Avneri @Jonathan Rosenberg I have followed the above link and moved forward in the problem. I have posted my findings there. Kindly take a look.
Thank you @Vaibhav Kumar. Will do