i'm playing around with DuckDB on the object page....
# help
i'm playing around with DuckDB on the object page. Should something like this work? I'm getting no rows returned and from devtools it's looking for the wrong path.
Odd... I think it looks like a (valid) S3 host-style access, despite you asking for path-style.
yeah, that's what I thought. The same set of commands run from duckdb CLI work just fine. it's weird.
I think we should probably clarify this on the docs as well: when running in the browser, using duckdb-wasm, you won't be able to use the settings this way. the instructions are intended for running duckdb as a standalone or external component. I don't think duckdb-wasm is s3 capable and cares about these settings
S3 settings for DuckDB:
S3 settings for duckdb-WASM:
thanks @Oz Katz. I was thinking we should document it in general anyway - it took me a while to figure out that
was a macro, etc.
I agree
wow - TIL
is that duckdb-specific or generally adopted SQL? not seen it before
Exists on PostgreSQL. Look at their docs, they usually say if it's standard or not.
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is the difference in S3 settings between duckdb and duckdb-wasm something that's worth logging a ticket on their side for (i.e. does it make sense for them to be the same, or in wasm-land would it not - I don't grok wasm enough to understand)
I don't think
is ansi sql, but many databases support it.
Yes, I think it's worth opening an issue for it.
I don't think there's a technical limitation not to support these settings for the WASM version, but maybe there are security implications.
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The fine manual says:
The key word
can be used instead of
to make the match case-insensitive according to the active locale. This is not in the SQL standard but is a PostgreSQL extension.
Yes, I think it's worth opening an issue for it.
logged https://github.com/duckdb/duckdb/issues/6729
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for info, there is work being done on wasm, and a new ticket to track here https://github.com/duckdb/duckdb-wasm/issues/1207