Looks like updating policies is broken in `0.83.2`...
# help
Looks like updating policies is broken in
. When we go through the UI and chance a policy the backend is returning a
400 - Already exists
when trying to save
My hunch was it was trying to post a new policy but looks like it’s using the expected put on
Hi @Thomas Vander Wal! Can you please describe the exact scenario which causes the error?
Of course! We have existing policies that give users access to specific repositories based on prefix. I went to add some additional actions but the save fails with that error after editing. I verified it in two separate environments running
Do you see this failure only when updating the policy via UI?
I haven’t tried with postman directly yet, but I can do that later today
That's fine, I'm looking into it and update in the following hour. Thanks!
@Thomas Vander Wal I've verified there's indeed a bug in the underlying API. I've opened https://github.com/treeverse/lakeFS/issues/4354 to track and fix it and will release a fixed version in the following 24 hours. Thank you so much for bringing it to our attention!
heart lakefs 1
Hi @Thomas Vander Wal, Wanted to give you an update that lakeFS v0.83.3 was release with the required fix! https://lakefs.slack.com/archives/C017S6YFFSP/p1665596726271519 Let us know if there's anything else we can help with, and thanks again for reporting the issue! 🤘🏽
🙌 1
Thank you! Confirmed working on our environments now 🙂