I’m completely new to LakeFS, and working my way t...
# help
I’m completely new to LakeFS, and working my way through this blog. (I’m also new to Trino, so I don’t know if that’s complicating matters) I’m a bit puzzled/stuck on this step, where after creating a branch I create a new table:
Copy code
CREATE TABLE s3.tiny_v2.orders (
  orderkey bigint,
  custkey bigint,
  orderstatus varchar(1),
  totalprice double,
  orderdate date,
  orderpriority varchar(15),
  clerk varchar(15),
  shippriority integer,
  comment varchar(79)
  ) WITH (
    external_location = '<s3a://example/main/tiny_v2/orders>',
    format = 'ORC'
My questions so far: 1. If the Trino schema has a location
location = '<s3a://example/v2/tiny>'
then why is the external location for the table still under
external_location = '<s3a://example/main/tiny_v2/orders>'
) ? 2. What should I see as a result of creating this if it does work? In my head I’m expecting, since it’s a branch off main, to see 15k records, is that right?
Copy code
trino:> select count(*) from s3.tiny.orders;
(1 row)

trino:> select count(*) from s3.tiny_v2.orders;
(1 row)
After the initial
create table as select
statements in the blog that populate the data, should there be a commit in lakeFS?
so I went back and did a commit on
, then branched to a new branch (
). I then created my v3_orders table against
external_location = '<s3a://example/v3/tiny/orders>'
This worked:
Copy code
trino:tiny_v2> select count(*) from s3.tiny_v3.orders;
(1 row)
Hi @Robin Moffatt, Welcome to lakeFS 😄 1. You are correct, It shouldn’t be the path, looks like a mistake ( we will fix by the end of the week), using the external_path main will create the table on the main branch and any changes done to that table will be reflected on main. 2. Regardless to the branch the table is created in a different location (
) there aren’t any records in the new location (try using the external location
) Thank you very much for pointing this out.
thanks @Guy Hardonag. And am I right in thinking there should be the instruction in the blog to commit the
branch before creating the
3. Correct again, after the initial
create table as select
statement there should be a commit.
Thanks again for pointing this out, and sorry for the confusion. 🙏
👍 thanks for the help
and it’s fun digging in to try and figure out what’s going on 🙂
At least it was fun, and you got it all right 👍
whilst we’re at it, there’s an error on the first blog too — under
Using the Everything Bagel
the trino client command has had its
mangled into
Copy code
docker compose — profile client run — rm trino-client
should be
Copy code
docker compose --profile client run --rm trino-client
Will fix that as well. Thanks 🙏 🙏 🙏