I have a small fix <https://github.com/treeverse/l...
# dev
I have a small fix https://github.com/treeverse/lakeFS/pull/4097. It is related to https://github.com/treeverse/lakeFS/issues/4094, but it does not fix that issue. Think of it as a partial resolution. How should I mark it to get around the
No linked issues found. Please add the corresponding issues in the pull request description.
message we get on GitHub? Just open another issue? (@Tal Sofer, can you advise?)
Hi! we can link two prs to the same issue because it is allowed to link prs to closed issues You can link, merge and then re-open the issue for tracking reason. makes sense?
Thanks! I understand how this will work. I will do it, although I believe that it ultimately makes audit harder not easier.
Opening another issue is another option 🙂
Yeah, probably more informative.