I'm using the example available <here>, all in one...
# help
I'm using the example available here, all in one However, when the docker is off, or after a reboot, repo created in lakeFS are not persistent, while data in MinIO buckets are still present, so if I try to re-create a lakeFS repo using the same bucket I get an error
failed to create repository: found lakeFS objects in the storage namespace(s3://example) key(_lakefs/dummy): storage namespace already in use
The lakeFS target in the docker file uses local database type for the metadata store. If you want persistency you need to configure a persistent volume for that target
If you believe there should be a different default behavior, please feel free to open a Github issue
ok, so shall I just destroy and re-create minIO buckets on the fly?
Do you want your setup to be persistent or not?
let's say, I think this is overkill for my case, but if it's gonna be quick (and dirty, I dont care) then I can do it
to give you some background, I'm gonna need to play around with webhooks and so on locally, before moving everything in production
I understand - so in that case, it's better if your environment is persistent. In that case I would recommend creating a volume for the lakeFS metadata and setting the LAKEFS_DATABASE_LOCAL_PATH to that volume
You can also reuse the
volume for that matter
In that case I would recommend creating a volume for the lakeFS metadata and setting the LAKEFS_DATABASE_LOCAL_PATH to that volume
do you mean in MinIO?
No - in the docker file
ok, so
is already there?
yes - it is currently used by the minio container
I just type
or something like that?
Are you using the lakeFS-samples repo because you are using the examples and data there for your POC or just for a quick way to setup a lakeFS instance?
the latter
In that case I would recommend going with the quickstart manual
It will provide you with a persistent lakeFS environment using local database and block adapter
Hello again Niro šŸ™‚ so, I'm trying to follow your advice, I: ā€¢ downloaded the latest lakefs binary for linux x64 ā€¢ installed MinIO ā€¢ installed and configured Postgres ā€¢ added a bucket (
) and an user (`username`/`password`) in MinIO ā€¢ created
in the extracted LakeFS binary folder and now I'm running
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elect@5800x:~/Documents/lakeFS_1.10.0_Linux_x86_64$ ./lakefs run --quickstart


Using quickstart parameters configuration. This is suitable only for testing! It is NOT SUPPORTED for production.

FATAL: quickstart mode can only run with local settings
if I omit
, this is my output and config file
Hi @Giuseppe Barbieri, Quickstart mode does not require minio or postgres. It relies on your local filesystem for both the data and metadata store. You don't need to provide a configuration file. Simply run
lakefs run --quickstart
Do you require postgres and Mino for your POC?
thinking about it, actually no, for the moment..
Great, so it should be just as simple
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just tried to upload, via web interface,
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name: Dataset
description: This webhook ensures that a DATASET.json should be present
      - "*"
  - id: dataset_validator
    type: webhook
    description: Validate DATASET.json
      url: "<>"
pre-commit hook aborted, run id '5dkkpg2pdakjvr75sb7g': 1 error occurred: * hook run id '0000_0000' failed on action 'Dataset' hook 'dataset_validator': webhook request failed (status code: 405)
my simple server still listens something, nonetheless > 2024-02-13 121731.650 [eventLoopGroupProxy-4-1] TRACE io.ktor.routing.Routing - Trace for [webhooks, format] > /, segment:0 -> SUCCESS @ / > /webhooks, segment:1 -> SUCCESS @ /webhooks > /webhooks/format, segment:2 -> SUCCESS @ /webhooks/format > /webhooks/format/(method:GET), segment:2 -> FAILURE "Selector didn't match" @ /webhooks/format/(method:GET) > Matched routes: > No results > Route resolve result: > FAILURE "No matched subtrees found" @ /
this is the output from visiting manually via browser instead > 2024-02-13 121836.135 [eventLoopGroupProxy-4-2] TRACE io.ktor.routing.Routing - Trace for [webhooks, format] > /, segment:0 -> SUCCESS @ / > /webhooks, segment:1 -> SUCCESS @ /webhooks > /webhooks/format, segment:2 -> SUCCESS @ /webhooks/format > /webhooks/format/(method:GET), segment:2 -> SUCCESS @ /webhooks/format/(method:GET) > Matched routes: > "" -> "webhooks" -> "format" -> "(method:GET)" > Route resolve result: > SUCCESS @ /webhooks/format/(method:GET)
@Giuseppe Barbieri seems like you're making progress, however it seems like your webhook server is not configured correctly:
The HTTP 405 status code indicates that the server has received your request, but the resource you are requesting doesn't support the request method. This may occur if you're using an incorrect method or the server is configured to disallow the said method.
indeed, I was answering on
, I'm doing on
now and it seems fine, commits get through
Great to hear, hope you have smooth sailing from here
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thanks, can I use the LakeFS API to connect to a LakeFS instance running in quickstart mode?
Hi Giuseppe, Not sure what is the flow / architecture -- where is the server, where is the client, and what kind of client is it?
If the question is how to connect to a locally-running lakefs server in quickstart mode, then it will be accessible on loopback on whatever port you're using. lakectl will happily connect there, on localhost:8000 or (":8000" should be whatever port lakefs is listening on). As long as it's local traffic, it should just work.
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Hey Ariel, at the moment it's just this (Ktor)
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fun main() {
    embeddedServer(Netty, port = 8080, host = "", module = Application::module)
        .start(wait = true)

fun Application.module() {

fun Application.configureRouting() {
    routing {
        post("/webhooks/format") {
Could you provide more context for which lakeFS is connecting to which lakeFS, in this question:
thanks, can I use the LakeFS to connect to a LakeFS instance running in quickstart mode?
I understand that you have a lakeFS running locally in quickstart mode. i understand that you have successfully connected it to your hooks server. What is the second "lakeFS"? Are you asking whether and how the hooks server can access lakeFS?
sorry Ariel, I forgot
in the original question
thanks, can I use the LakeFS API to connect to a LakeFS instance running in quickstart mode? (edited)
Oh right, sure. It's a full lakeFS server. You should be able to reach it on localhost on the port it listens on. If it's 8000, your code should connect to something like http://localhost:8000/api/v1.
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