I cant understand why aren't all the <examples> he...
# help
I cant understand why aren't all the examples here using
, that is the File Format and the Basic File Schema Validator why would I want to run those two on
I think this has more to do with your branching strategy. Typically, transformations will run on their own isolated branch, and once completed - merged into a "main" branch to be made available to downstream consumers (either other transformations or plain old humans 🙂). In that case, using
allows committing on the isolated branch at any state, while merging to that "main" branch requires validation and testing. For a flatter branching strategy (i.e. transformations running directly on the branch that is availalbe to others), you'd probably want to apply the same logic as a
hook and instruct your downstream consumers to only read committed data This page has a few (hopefully) useful illustrations of this..
ah, in this regards that makes sense, thanks for clearing it up, Oz
jumping lakefs 1