If I'm adding a file to LakeFS without commiting i...
# help
If I'm adding a file to LakeFS without commiting it. Where is this uncommited file sitting?
Hi @Bill Li, the files should be placed inside the underlaying block storage. The path configured under the repository storage namespace. The metadata is kept in the k/v database and will be written also to the block storage after you commit.
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Note that the object you will find will be kept under unique identifiers and not the original names. The logical names mapping is kept in the database and under _lakefs later when you commit.
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More information can be found in https://docs.lakefs.io/understand/architecture.html and welcome to ask
@Barak Amar By the underlying block storage, do you mean the object store?
The address will be the place entered when you created the repository, storage namespace - ex: s3://my-bucket/my-path-to-repo-data