Hi there, can lakefs use mariadb? And how to set...
# help
Hi there, can lakefs use mariadb? And how to setup which the docker-compose.yaml file? version: '3.9' services: minio: image: treeverse/lakefs:1.6 container_name: lakefs ports: - "18000:8000" - "18080:8080" environment: - LAKEFS_BLOCKSTORE_TYPE=s3 - LAKEFS_BACKEND_TYPE=s3 - LAKEFS_S3_ENDPOINT= - LAKEFS_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID=oxJU - LAKEFS_S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=sZlYWvhF5 - LAKEFS_METADATA_STORE_TYPE=mysql - LAKEFS_DATABASE_TYPE=mysql - LAKEFS_DATABASE_HOST= - LAKEFS_DATABASE_PORT=3306 - LAKEFS_DATABASE_NAME=lakefs_db - LAKEFS_DATABASE_USERNAME=qft - LAKEFS_DATABASE_PASSWORD=oB2jJq5oWUIIxkS - LAKEFS_AUTH_ENCRYPT_SECRET_KEY=hoz2W4tSmI5N volumes: - /lakefs_data:/lakefs/data
Hi @唐治喜 We currently do not support mysql as the database (we do support postgresql) In a previous conversation in #dev, there was a suggestion to add it as a contribution https://lakefs.slack.com/archives/C01APUNTSGH/p1702144339703259
👍 1
Thanks,it seems solved with the postgres,but i can't connect with minio, and no tables showed up in the database lakefs_db in postgres;how can I solve these?Thanks a lot! here are logs from postgress: 2024-01-07 141629.948 UTC [1] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections 2024-01-07 152503.972 UTC [946] ERROR: column c.relhasoids does not exist at character 190 2024-01-07 152503.972 UTC [946] STATEMENT: SELECT c.oid, n.nspname AS schemaname, c.relname AS tablename, c.relacl, pg_get_userbyid(c.relowner) AS tableowner, obj_description(c.oid) AS description, c.relkind, ci.relname As cluster, c.relhasoids AS hasoids, c.relhasindex AS hasindexes, c.relhasrules AS hasrules, t.spcname AS tablespace, c.reloptions AS param, c.relhastriggers AS hastriggers, c.relpersistence AS unlogged, ft.ftoptions, fs.srvname, c.reltuples, ((SELECT count(*) FROM pg_inherits WHERE inhparent = c.oid) > 0) AS inhtable, i2.nspname AS inhschemaname, i2.relname AS inhtablename FROM pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace LEFT JOIN pg_tablespace t ON t.oid = c.reltablespace LEFT JOIN (pg_inherits i INNER JOIN pg_class c2 ON i.inhparent = c2.oid LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n2 ON n2.oid = c2.relnamespace) i2 ON i2.inhrelid = c.oid LEFT JOIN pg_index ind ON(ind.indrelid = c.oid) and (ind.indisclustered = 't') LEFT JOIN pg_class ci ON ci.oid = ind.indexrelid LEFT JOIN pg_foreign_table ft ON ft.ftrelid = c.oid LEFT JOIN pg_foreign_server fs ON ft.ftserver = fs.oid WHERE ((c.relkind = 'r'::"char") OR (c.relkind = 'f'::"char")) AND n.nspname = 'public' ORDER BY schemaname, tablename here is the lakefs yaml for docker-compose version: '3.9' services: lakefs: image: treeverse/lakefs:1.6 container_name: lakefs ports: - "8000:8000" - "8080:8080" environment: LAKEFS_BLOCKSTORE_TYPE: s3 LAKEFS_BACKEND_TYPE: s3 LAKEFS_BLOCKSTORE_S3_FORCE_PATH_STYLE: true LAKEFS_BLOCKSTORE_S3_ENDPOINT: LAKEFS_BLOCKSTORE_S3_CREDENTIALS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: oxGtJOXRNowp LAKEFS_BLOCKSTORE_S3_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: sZlj8D5uTFcaeHY76jz LAKEFS_DATABASE_TYPE: postgres LAKEFS_DATABASE_POSTGRES_CONNECTION_STRING: postgresql://lkadmpost:Oi0V3Ja@ LAKECTL_CREDENTIALS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: AuYSmIES LAKECTL_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: hoz2W4HYHjtSmI5NEKEY LAKEFS_AUTH_ENCRYPT_SECRET_KEY: YWvhFk323rOu5ou volumes: - /lakefs_data:/lakefs/data
Hi @唐治喜, That sounds like a Postgres error, perhaps it was not fully set up on your machine. I see this error message on this StackOverflow answer, it may be relevant: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58461178/how-to-fix-error-column-c-relhasoids-does-not-exist-in-postgres
thanks! all resolved!but there are errors in the browser console panel while i viewing the objects,what do these matter? Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request) index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 HEAD 404 (Not Found) N @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 head @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 La @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 (anonymous) @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 (anonymous) @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 Wd @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 m3 @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 WL @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 Rl @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:38 lZ @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 T2 @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 yP @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 E @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:25 R @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:25 index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 HEAD 404 (Not Found) N @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 head @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 (anonymous) @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 (anonymous) @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 (anonymous) @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 Wd @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 m3 @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 WL @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 Rl @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:38 lZ @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 T2 @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 yP @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 E @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:25 R @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:25 index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 GET 404 (Not Found) N @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 getGCPolicy @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 isCompleted @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 E @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 (anonymous) @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 (anonymous) @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 Wd @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 m3 @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 WL @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 Rl @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:38 lZ @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 T2 @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 yP @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 E @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:25 R @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:25 index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 GET 404 (Not Found) N @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 getGCPolicy @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 isCompleted @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 E @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 (anonymous) @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 (anonymous) @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 Wd @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 m3 @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 (anonymous) @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 E @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:25 R @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:25 index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 HEAD 404 (Not Found) N @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 head @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 (anonymous) @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 (anonymous) @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 (anonymous) @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 Wd @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 m3 @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 WL @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 Rl @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:38 lZ @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 T2 @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 yP @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 E @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:25 R @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:25 3index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'id') at E (index-bxs-Ce9N.js147794) at index-bxs-Ce9N.js147968 at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at index-bxs-Ce9N.js147942 at Wd (vendor-g6fb1NZy.js4024283) at m3 (vendor-g6fb1NZy.js4042409) at vendor-g6fb1NZy.js4040726 at E (vendor-g6fb1NZy.js251576) at MessagePort.R (vendor-g6fb1NZy.js251942) E @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 (anonymous) @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 (anonymous) @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 Wd @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 m3 @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 (anonymous) @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 E @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:25 R @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:25 index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 HEAD 404 (Not Found) N @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 head @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 La @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 (anonymous) @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 (anonymous) @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 Wd @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 m3 @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 (anonymous) @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 E @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:25 R @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:25 index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 GET 404 (Not Found) N @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 getGCPolicy @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 isCompleted @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 E @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 (anonymous) @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 (anonymous) @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 Wd @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 m3 @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 (anonymous) @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 E @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:25 R @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:25 index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 GET 404 (Not Found) N @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 getGCPolicy @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 isCompleted @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 E @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 (anonymous) @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 (anonymous) @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 Wd @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 m3 @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 (anonymous) @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 E @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:25 R @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:25 index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 GET 404 (Not Found) N @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 getGCPolicy @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 isCompleted @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 E @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 (anonymous) @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 (anonymous) @ index-bxs-Ce9N.js:1 Wd @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 m3 @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 (anonymous) @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:40 E @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:25 R @ vendor-g6fb1NZy.js:25
Can you set
blockstore.s3.disable_pre_signed: true
in your lakeFS configuration? it seems your UI fails to access the storage. I assume the minio storage.
Thanks! I added this item to my docker-compose.yaml, but errors still. Whereas I created annother repository which "Add sample data, hooks, and configuration" checked, and then click to view it, no error shows up in the browser control panel, and then I clicked the directory "data", and the error occurred again, it seems lakefs always check the "README.md“ file ? and the " lakes.parquet" file?
can you share the docker-compose (mark secrets if found)? want to verify if any settings is missing
version: '3.9' # 使用最新的Docker Compose版本以利用新特性 services: lakefs: image: treeverse/lakefs:1.6 # 使用最新稳定版镜像(或指定特定版本) container_name: lakefs ports: - "8000:8000" # 根据实际需求决定是否暴露9001端口,用于HTTPS访问时需要 - "8080:8080" # 根据实际需求决定是否暴露9001端口,用于HTTPS访问时需要 environment: LAKEFS_BLOCKSTORE_TYPE: s3 LAKEFS_BACKEND_TYPE: s3 # 使用S3兼容存储后端 LAKEFS_BLOCKSTORE_S3_FORCE_PATH_STYLE: true LAKEFS_BLOCKSTORE_S3_DISABLE_PRE_SIGNED: true LAKEFS_BLOCKSTORE_S3_ENDPOINT: LAKEFS_BLOCKSTORE_S3_CREDENTIALS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: oxGRwp LAKEFS_BLOCKSTORE_S3_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: sZlj8DTFcaeHYHv76jz LAKEFS_DATABASE_TYPE: postgres LAKEFS_DATABASE_POSTGRES_CONNECTION_STRING: # 如果使用PostgreSQL作为数据库(可选) #LAKECTL_CREDENTIALS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: AuLtSmIES #LAKECTL_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: hoz2ouY5FcaeHY5NEKEY LAKEFS_AUTH_ENCRYPT_SECRET_KEY: YWvh23rOu5ou LAKECTL_CREDENTIALS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: AKIAYII5FQ LAKECTL_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: KuvjIsKUJ/hdC volumes: - /lakefs_data:/lakefs/data # 确保宿主机目录存在并有合适的权限
this is the example repository, no error,
then click the data directory above, errors occured
I added those two empty files to the former repository, and the console is clear
The UI will try to get README.md on every path and draw preview of the readme. So 404 is expected.
In the console screenshot I didn't see any error related to lakefs file
thanks, these can be useful notice for testing lakefs with minio.
The UI will fetch the README.md on all underlying storage implementations.