Good morning! Iā€™m experimenting with new neat <lak...
# help
Good morning! Iā€™m experimenting with new neat lakeFS Python SDK - very cool! @Niro Iā€™m trying to list the repos in my lakeFS installation, how do I do that with the new SDK?
Hi @Tal Sofer, currently there's no plan to implement list repositories as part of the SDK interface. With that said this could be achieved by using the client object and executing:
Copy code
Please open an issue if you think we should reconsider this decision
Will do, thanks!
jumping lakefs 2
you just beat me in creating that issue
sunglasses lakefs 1
Actually, I am a bit confused between lakefs_sdk and lakefs_sdk.client Are you going to drop the client module ?
I'm not sure I understand what you mean. The current client package is called lakefs_sdk. The new client is called lakefs it is a different library currently based on lakefs_sdk but provides a different user experience. In that sense we are not dropping the client module
so I can keep using the lakefs_sdk.client module, which have the list repo capability ? That will not be phased out right ?
Yes, the request is to support repo listing also in the new library
šŸ‘ 1
in my case, as long as you provide me at least one way to list using python, I am jumping lakefs
Awesome! šŸ™‚ I recommend checking out the new SDK - though it's still in development stages it provides a lot of neat features
ok ... now I get it. The new SDK have higher abstraction than the old one that mainly is a wrapper around REST API