Hi guys, still very new to lakeFS and just wanted ...
# help
Hi guys, still very new to lakeFS and just wanted to check if is it possible to run lakeFS command in sql like command ? Example, for creating branch…can we simply do ‘create branch test from main’ instead of using lakeFS client/ lakectl?
Hi Amin, currently there is no such sql extension. The lakectl cli, UI or API will provide this capability. I would like to know if possible what is you primary interface to use the SQL as usually lakeFS provides the underlaying version on the data itself and not the SQL engine. Can you tell more about your environment and use-case for such command?
Thanks for the quick reply Barak 😊. We are currently using Nessie catalog and most of our dataOps is done in sql with Nessie spark sql extension, so for an easy replacement with lakeFS we thought it would be great to just switch some sql syntaxes/configuration instead.
It sounds like a good feature suggestion to enhance the compatibility and ease of transitioning from Nessie to lakeFS. To capture this request, I recommend opening an issue on the lakeFS project's GitHub page. This will allow you to detail your specific needs and the desired functionality, enabling the lakeFS team to look into it, invites input and collaboration from other community members.
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Hi Amin, I guess this is our best guide right now for this and similar SQL operations. This could be a Spark SQL extension. An issue would help us gauge demand for such an extension!
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