Hello all, I am new at LakeFS and I've encountered...
# help
Hello all, I am new at LakeFS and I've encountered some problems setting it up. I have a simple LakeFS instance running in a docker container on a remote server with associated floating IP <remote_IP>, which I run using the command
docker run --pull always -p 8000:8000 treeverse/lakefs run --local-settings
. I can access the web service through when I am logged into the remote server. However, I would like to access it using http://<remote_IP> from any machine that is in the same network as the remote server which I am currently unable to do. I tried different settings of LakeFS environment variables when running the docker command but nothing worked. Any ideas on how to solve this? Thanks!
Hi @Filip Blašković, Welcome to the lake levitating lakefs lakeFS doesn’t impose any restrictions on the incoming traffic. If you were able to reach it from the local network, there’s no lakeFS configuration that could block you from accessing it from a remote network. What’s your setup? Most of the times it’s the network settings, like security groups in aws.
Hi, thanks for your answer. I allowed communication on port 8000 in security groups settings but it still won't connect. There might be something else in the network settings I missed though but I can't think of anything right now.
Update: I managed to establish connection 🙂
Yay 🎉 What was it eventually?
Both ports 80 and 8000 are open in the security groups settings but I managed to access the service only when I ran
docker run --pull always -p 80:8000 treeverse/lakefs run --local-settings
. So 80:8000 instead of 8000:8000. I am still not sure why it couldn't work the first way though.
gratitude thank you 1