hello. I'm trying to deploy lakefs with Helmchart ...
# help
hello. I'm trying to deploy lakefs with Helmchart on Kubernetes, but I'm having a problem. Can you help me? The following error appears during deployment. --- Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: YAML parse error on lakefs/templates/configmap.yaml: error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 10: could not find expected ':' --- In previous versions, 0.9.~, it was distributed as a values.yaml file with the same settings, but yaml grammar problems did not occur. Below is a portion of my values.yaml where the problem appears to be occurring. --- lakefsConfig: | database: type: postgres blockstore: type: s3 s3: force_path_style: true endpoint: minio.example.com discover_bucket_region: false credentials: access_key_id: examplekey secret_access_key: exampleaccesskey ---
Hey, its something with the the formatting of the entire YAML of the Configmap not only the value of lakefsConfig value, try to see in a yaml formatter why its breaking
--- lakefsConfig: | database: type: postgres blockstore: type: local --- However, as long as the relevant part was as above, no problem occurred. Besides, I didn't even edit templates/configmap.yaml. https://docs.lakefs.io/v0.52/integrations/minio.html https://docs.lakefs.io/howto/deploy/onprem.html I just wrote it exactly as instructed in the document above. As already mentioned, even if you write it the same way, there is no problem in version 0.9. However, there is a problem with the 0.13 version released on the chart.
The issue is with the lakefsConfig value, you have white space / new line in there. I was able to reproduce it by simply copy-paste your example with the new line below and some white space, that’s invalid YAML as a whole. When we render the content of lakefsConfig in the chart we use
function in Helm.
👍 1
One way to see it work should be using
(will strip any trailing whitespace characters) instead of
but I think that it’s more correct to sanitize the value yourself.
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