I want to publish a new version of lakeFSFS (not l...
# dev
I want to publish a new version of lakeFSFS (not lakeFS, the Hadoop FileSystem!). Should I wait?
This one includes the new Java SDK? 🙂
sunglasses lakefs 1
Yup. It uses the new SDK, and drops support for some older versions of lakeFS, pre 0.108.0. Upgrading to this version will ensure our users are ready for the 1.0.0 upgrade on the client side. (Either upgrade order will work, of course, if you already upgraded your lakeFSFS in the past month or so you don't need to re-upgrade before the big 1.0.0 lakeFS upgrade!) And actually important things like better usage of presigned URLs and improved testing.
🙏 1
Doing this now!
jumping lakefs 2
@Barak Amar can you review the CHANGELOG please?