It's also mentioned in the documentation that zero...
# help
It's also mentioned in the documentation that zero copy importing is only possible from the object storage service in which your installation stores its data. Does this also mean that you can't have two different repositories that would use a different object storage service?
Hi @Truce Wallace - this is indeed on the roadmap as a Q4 23 item! (as a lakeFS Enterprise/Cloud feature)
Hi, @Oz Katz, thanks for the quick respond. Is zero-copy importing from multiple object storage services within the same repository also on the roadmap? or is there a technical limitation that makes that impossible?
Currently lakeFS is only configured with a single implementation at a time for a block.Adapter - supporting multiple ones is possible but requires a few changes to how lakeFS is composed and operates. This is needed in order to allow importing from a different object store than the one the installation is configured with. As mentioned, this is currently scheduled to be released by the end of this year.