Hi, I'm trying to use LakeFS helm chart to deploy ...
# help
Hi, I'm trying to use LakeFS helm chart to deploy it with 3 replicas in our EKS cluster which has 3availability zones. I have configured "podAntiAffinity" and it works. I'm unable to perform rollingupdates because of the issue explained here https://medium.com/xmglobal/how-can-affinity-rules-break-your-kubernetes-rolling-updates-3055eb2d478c. TO address this, Kubernetes added https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/topology-spread-constraints/, but I don't see a way to set those in the current Helm Chart (and I don't want to fallback to manual yamls as we hopefully will fluffy yamls soon). Someone has a way to deploy one-per-az using affinity? (I can't use preferred because I'm using karpenter as node allocator and based of testing, that will not enforce it hard enough). For now I'm just using 2 replicas as a workaround but 😕
Hi @Florentino Sainz I'll open an issue to address this one.
Chart 0.9.24 published with support for topologySpreadConstraints
let me know if you having any issues with the new chart
thanks!, testing it. In general maybe as a future it would be nice to have a generic placeholder to extend "spec" with whatever (i saw something like that in trino helm chart), but maybe is too open not sure xP. I'm having some issues with the deployment (im using aws cdk)
is it possible those extra spaces in front of topologySpreadConstraints are broken? (im 99% sure they are, its complaining *cannot unmarshal array into Go struct field PodSpec.spec.template.spec.nodeSelector of type string\n*') <-- I don't have tolerations or affinity now defined, so topologySpreadConstraints is under nodeSelector in my deployment.yaml
@Florentino Sainz, you are right, I will publish a fix promptly.
gratitude thank you 1
Chart 0.9.25
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😄 1
ty! deployed correctly now and is taking effect, ima test behaviours (but thats mostly kubernetes issue if it doesnt work xP) Is there a place to add feature requests to the chart? the current way to provide the authEncryptSecretKey is kind of unsecure right now (value hardcoded in repos) when using AWS CDK (the secure way would to let "me" create the secret myself and just provide the reference to lakefs). having custom rolling update strategies could help too :/
@Florentino Sainz, please feel free to suggest chart features as issues in the GitHub repository.
gratitude thank you 1