hi. how to use the latest lakectl . i want to clon...
# help
hi. how to use the latest lakectl . i want to clone the files to my local. while it doesnot get it .
Copy code
lakectl local init <lakefs://datasetest/test1/> E:\WorkProjects\data

lakectl local list

D:\Develops\lakefs\lakeFS_0.107.0_Windows_x86_64>lakectl local clone <lakefs://datasetest/test1/> E:\lakedata
Error executing command.
Hi @暗号, Sorry to hear you are experiencing issues. We will look into it and try to understand what happened. In the meantime - can I request 2 things from you: 1. If possible - can you open an issue on this in github 2. Can you try executing the clone and provide a directory name Also please note that you've init-ed the path:
while I assume you were trying to list linked directories in the path
Yes, I'm using version 107. I have executed the mapping between the lakefs directory and my local directory, but when executing the lakectl local list command. The result is still empty
List provides you with information about the locally synced directories and their corresponding paths in lakefs - it does not list the data itself. When you perform list without providing a directory it will try to find all linked directories under the current working directory. Since you performed list on
you got an empty result as expected since you init-ed the directory
. If you ran
lakectl local list E:\WorkProjects
it should show you all the linked directories under that path including the data directory. Regarding the clone failure - I've verified we indeed have an issue with lakectl and Windows that needs to be resolved.
Can you tell me how you are running your lakeFS? Is this a local installation?
thank u very much. yes. I am running my lakeFs on my server
May i ask that ,how long could this cloning failure problem be solved
Hi @暗号 I took the liberty and opened this issue You can track the progress there - I believe we'll have it fixed by the end of next week
@Niro Thanks. I got it.
Hi @暗号 , We've just released a new lakeFS version that should fix the issues you were experiencing. Would love to get your feedback on it, and if you encounter any additional issues - please let us know.