Trying out the new `local` command, I get an error...
# help
Trying out the new
command, I get an error when I try to commit - any ideas?
Copy code
lakectl local commit . -m "Remove employee data and add ratings information" --pre-sign=false

Getting branch: main

diff 'local:///Users/rmoff/work/orion' <--> '<lakefs://quickstart/7eaeafd3fb90df419ca26eca69ba2b153eae13bd3dccf80ba47cbed1260cb0c1/data/OrionStar/>'...

diff '<lakefs://quickstart/38df1480d835fe52dc6db31b87ef35b78403d0c9c621c74a6d032c686551abc5/data/OrionStar/>' <--> '<lakefs://quickstart/main/data/OrionStar/>'...
delete remote path: EMPLOYEE_ORGANIZATI~ ... done! [%0 in 8ms]
delete remote path: EMPLOYEE_ADDRESSES.~ ... done! [%0 in 8ms]
delete remote path: EMPLOYEE_DONATIONS.~ ... done! [%0 in 8ms]
delete remote path: EMPLOYEE_PAYROLL.csv ... done! [%0 in 8ms]
upload RATINGS.csv                       ... done! [6.86KB in 9ms]
upload RATINGS.csv failed: upload to backing store: MissingRegion: could not find region configuration
Error executing command.
/cc @Oz Katz @Nir Ozery
is that with a locally running lakeFS?
running on my host machine