Hi!, I'm trying to setup Trino to access lakeFS, I...
# help
Hi!, I'm trying to setup Trino to access lakeFS, It's working perfectly for s3a:// style tables, but not working for lakefs:// filesystem (as expected, it says that the filesystem is not supported), I will give some tries but... someone can confirm if Trino can be made to work with lakefs filesystem? (and in addition to adding hadoop-lakefs-assembly.jar to the classpath, which options to set in the connector)
Hey @Florentino Sainz, your understanding is correct. The lakeFS HadoopFS doesn’t work over Trino. We do have a roadmap item to add a native integration to Trino as well (be it this jar or a dedicated one for Trino), I’ll get back to you next week on the timelines.