Question (Potential Bug report) After the installa...
# help
Question (Potential Bug report) After the installation in AKS LakeFS shows a blank screen when opening the address in browser. The site is reachable and the health check shows that the application is active. What could be the problem? (Used Postgresql DB, blob storage, Storage Account Credentials)
Hi @Sebastian Szelag Let me check and get back to you
Hi again, Question- which version of lakeFS did you use, or alternatively, did you build lakeFS yourself?
Hi thanks for the help, I used the helm chart version and followed these instructions: Authentication Method = Storage Account Credentials K/V Store = Postresql Run the lakeFS server = Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Hi @Sebastian Szelag, There will soon be a new release version of lakeFS that should handle the issue. I’ll let you know when it’s released…
Hi Sebastian, Just to be sure: can you please report the lakeFS version that is failing for you?
lakefs --version
should give the information.