Hello everyone We currently use the glue catalog t...
# help
Hello everyone We currently use the glue catalog to store the metadata. I have read this doc: https://docs.lakefs.io/integrations/glue_hive_metastore.html I want to create a new table by using Spark in direct way My company has a lot of data analysis so they want to query Athena (aws) rather than spark. How can I create a new table in Lakefs by using Spark? Do we have any options for that? @Robin Moffatt @einat.orr @Amit Kesarwani
Hey @Chinhvu! I'm not sure I understand if you're asking about Spark, Athena, or both. Do you want to create a Spark table, regardless of Athena?
We are using glue catalog to store the metadata My question is how to create a new lakefs table and sync metadata to glue catalog at the same time by using spark? Clould you please give me any recommendation? @Yoni Augarten
@Chinhvu, if you create a lakeFS table from Spark and configure Glue as your catalog, that table will be created on Glue. For every branch you create, you will then have to use the
lakectl metastore
command to create a dedicated copy in the Glue catalog. To use Athena to query the table, we have a dedicated command that will expose your table to Athena users.
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