Hi, can you please help me out identifying which p...
# help
Hi, can you please help me out identifying which policy I need to set (action + permission) for a user to be able to checkout a particular commit? The user can access objects in a branch, but not a specific commit on that branch. Thanks 🙏
gratitude thank you 1
Hi @Cristian Caloian 👋 The Authorization model is different and it depends what is your lakeFS setup. If you are using lakeFS Open-Source then you can manage authorization with ACL’s and you can see here comparison to the roles see if users missing and update accordingly. (RBAC is deprecated for Open source since lakeFS v0.98). If you are using lakeFS Cloud/Enterprise you can always contact our support if you have an issue, the authz model is RBAC with more granularity and it depends on several inputs.
@Cristian Caloian - what version of lakeFS are you on?
Thank you for your answers! @Iddo Avneri this is in the old cluster and we are running
old is a good description 🙂
😂 1