Hi, is there a way to rename a repo once it is cre...
# help
Hi, is there a way to rename a repo once it is created ?
Unforetntwly not at this time. You can export and import the repository if needed without copying the data.
good to know. Thanks
Hi @HT, As @Iddo Avneri says, this is not a supported operation. As a dev, I'd like to explain a bit. The primary model of lakeFS is an object store, and most specifically S3. And indeed AWS S3 has no "rename bucket" functionality. Object stores impose heavy immutability requirements: for instance, to date there is no functionality to rename objects. And lakeFS deepens this immutability requirement - otherwise for many things versioning becomes impossible and meaningless. That said, it might be possible to hack in some move-repo functionality. Or at least, I no reason comes to my mind immediately that would make this impossible. If you have a specific use-case in mind, an issue would probably be the best place to discuss this! Thanks!
Thanks for the details. I understand that lakefs need to be compatible with S3 interface. My team is not too familiar with cloud storage and are used to git so... It's good thing that we learn early on in our journey ;p
Hi @HT, True. It’s an important property to keep in mind when working with object stores like S3.