Hello everyone, I've configured lakeFS with a post...
# help
Hello everyone, I've configured lakeFS with a postgreSQL database. So, lakeFS created many tables in the database that I filled in (101 in total, from kv to kv_99). The first one contains all information about my repo, branches, commits... but all the others are empty. What is ther use? I look at this page in the doc https://docs.lakefs.io/understand/how/kv.html but it's not clear for me.
Hi Paul, welcome 👋 What you are seeing is how Posrgres implements partitioning for the KV table. It is used for improved access and better performance.
Thank you for the answer. Can you tell me more? What would happen if I kept only the first table filled?
The partitioning is inner workings of Posrgres and the KV driver. It's not something you need to handle directly. LakeFS splits metadata in different partitions in a way that will allow better performance when performing queries and batch operations. The main table (KV) will always contain all the metadata lakeFS holds, you can think of the other tables (kv#) as disjoint sets of the main table
👍 2
Hello again, I have a question about the storage capacity of lakefs, what is the maximum size of a repo?
Hi @Paul just so that all of the community can benefit from the question, can you ask it in a separate thread?
No problem