hey y’all, I have a few questions regarding LakeFS...
# help
hey y’all, I have a few questions regarding LakeFS Actions: 1. given that we use LakeFS cloud, where does the script for Lua Hooks actually run? is it on our infrastructure or on LakeFS’ infra? 2. when an action fails, is there a way to configure a notification to be routed to PagerDuty or slack for example? 3. I want to use some secrets in my Lua Hook script. What’s the best way to store those secrets and use them in the script? thanks!
Hi Taha, We're on vacation until Thursday, so I apologize for giving only a very partial reply. I will try to add the remaining details on Thursday. 1. Lua hooks run on the lakeFS server, so we manage that for you. 2. There is no current way to export failure on running an action from lakeFS Cloud. Could you please open an issue so we can track this? Your particular context or even a use case would be very helpful to advance this. 3. I am not aware of any secrets support in lakeFS currently. Again, it would be great if we hear your use case! Thanks!
got it, thanks! — enjoy your vacation!
@Taha Sadiki - is this is what you are asking for - https://github.com/treeverse/lakeFS/issues/5652 ? If so, feel free to add your thoughts to that issue.
@Iddo Avneri exactly! I added a comment with our specific use case
Also, would love to get your guidance on question #3 (can be once you’re back from vacation) — our specific use case is that we want to use hooks to perform some operations on our Databricks workspace, so we need a secure way of storing the databricks token for making those requests
Sure. I'm not sure there is currently a way, unfortunately. I will give a definitive answer on Thursday.