A random idea - can we animate our axolotl subtly ...
# dev
A random idea - can we animate our axolotl subtly on mouseover like DuckDB do? It's a fun little touch.
Sorry, please write me down for strongly against adding animations to docs.lakefs.io. Animations are inaccessible to many and distracting to even more. I prefer the style of docs.lakefs.io: no animations, pleasantly zoomable. lakefs.io jiggles and is almost impossible to zoom. Please let's keep at least docs.lakefs.io accessible and pleasant, at the price of being uncool. CSSTricks have a nice summary of the WCAG guidelines for animation.
that's fair enough, and good to get the input. Thanks @Ariel Shaqed (Scolnicov).
just for my understanding, does the duckdb animation fall into that bucket (inaccessible/distracting) too?
It's sort-of allowed AFAICT, because it indicates a UI element just did something: pointer is hovering over a link. And it does its thing and then stops. Not great, not terrible.