beginners question: the linting failed on <a small...
# dev
beginners question: the linting failed on a small PR I made. How do I run that locally to catch this before getting as far as the PR?
make checks-validator
we should make it shorter
Copy code
$ make checks-validator
/opt/homebrew/bin/go mod download
/opt/homebrew/bin/go install <|>
/opt/homebrew/bin/go install <|>
/Users/rmoff/go/bin/golangci-lint run
WARN [runner] Can't run linter goanalysis_metalinter: gofmt: can't extract issues from gofmt diff output "--- /Users/rmoff/git/lakeFS/pkg/permissions/actions.gen.go.orig\t2023-03-13 11:30:11\n+++ /Users/rmoff/git/lakeFS/pkg/permissions/actions.gen.go\t2023-03-13 11:30:11\n@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@\n // Code generated by extract_actions. DO NOT EDIT.\n-//\n package permissions\n \n var Actions = []string{\n": can't parse patch: parsing time "2023-03-13 11:30:11" as "2006-01-02 15:04:05 -0700": cannot parse "" as "-0700"
ERRO Running error: 1 error occurred:
        * can't run linter goanalysis_metalinter: gofmt: can't extract issues from gofmt diff output "--- /Users/rmoff/git/lakeFS/pkg/permissions/actions.gen.go.orig\t2023-03-13 11:30:11\n+++ /Users/rmoff/git/lakeFS/pkg/permissions/actions.gen.go\t2023-03-13 11:30:11\n@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@\n // Code generated by extract_actions. DO NOT EDIT.\n-//\n package permissions\n \n var Actions = []string{\n": can't parse patch: parsing time "2023-03-13 11:30:11" as "2006-01-02 15:04:05 -0700": cannot parse "" as "-0700"

make: *** [lint] Error 3
something up with my local timezone setting? or s'thing else?
the issue is related to your diff command
brew install diffutils
not next to my laptop to verify
sorry, I've realised that
make checks-validator
is there in the docs, i should have RTFMd…
brew install diffutils
fixed things too, I'll add a note to
😨 1
thanks @Barak Amar
lakefs 1
Thanks, added small comment to the pr.